Ashley Gaede Interventions

Ashley Gaede

Certified ARISE® Interventionist





Her personal experience in overcoming addiction has given her a first hand understanding of the challenges of achieving sobriety and long term recovery. Her journey led her into the addiction treatment community, which has become both her professional focus and her life’s vocation.


Ashley is a certified ARISE® Interventionist. Member of the Association of Intervention Specialists. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Magdalene House, a non-profit, residential facility for women recovering from addiction.


Ashley Gaede grew up in the Lowcountry of South Carolina where she currently still resides. She spends her free time with her dog, Bodhi, on the beach or saltwater marsh.


Our Philosophy

At AGI, we believe that the highest rate of success for those seeking long term recovery comes from a holistic approach that treats the mind, body, and spirit of the individual. As a Certified ARISE® Interventionist, Ashley follows the ARISE® model for Invitational Intervention® for all of her clients.


According to studies, the ARISE® model for interventions achieves a treatment enrollment rate of over 83% for individuals struggling with addiction within three weeks. Within six months, 96% of individuals enter treatment. At the one-year mark, 61% report being free from problem substance and behavior, with an additional 10% reducing their usage or behavior. (“An Overview of ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention®")


We are committed to helping families and loved ones navigate the recovery process from the very beginning. Addiction is a family disease in that it truly affects everyone in the orbit of the person of concern. We encourage all parties to recognize this and allow themselves their own journey of recovery.


As a certified ARISE® interventionist, Ashley, your Charleston Interventionist, and her team are here to help clients and their families by offering education, guidance, and support every step of the way. Ashley specializes in helping persons struggling with chronic relapse and those with complex recovery needs and circumstances. Ashley has years of experience helping individuals and families from all walks of life, from those unable to work to high-functioning professionals with advanced credentials.