Strive Performance

Casey Stauffer

Certified Personal Trainer


My passion for health and wellness started like many of them do: a washed up athlete looking for new ways to move my body! I was introduced to training at a young age excelling on the football field and in the weight room. After college I started to experiment with different forms of exercise. Marathons, power lifting, athletic training, crossfit, you name it and I’ve tried it! After years of exploring with various forms of exercise, I decided to become certified as a personal trainer and share what I know with the world- or at least my Charleston community. After several years of private personal training Strive was born! The majority of our classes are built with a “hybrid” approach which combines strength training with high intensity or endurance training. I coach this way because it is personally what I enjoy and have seen results from. Along with being an avid weight lifter, I love running as well as doing high intensity exercise that leave nothing left in the tank. I don’t believe there is one form of exercise that is better than another or most optimal- I believe in hard work, consistency and movement that’s what gets results!