Funktional Play

Laura Funk Zucker

Masters in Child Development


Laura was born and raised in Atlanta, GA and attended the University of Georgia. She has lived in Charleston for the last 20 years and considers it home. Laura got her Masters in Child Development from the College of Charleston and was instrumental in starting the Masters of Child Life program there. She did her internship at MUSC Children’s Hospital (now Shawn Jenkins Childrens Hospital) and began her private practice, Funktional Play, in 2019 because she knew that child life should also exist outside the hospital walls.


Having been born with a cleft lip and palate and undergoing countless surgeries as a child, Laura understood first hand the traumatic and anxious experiences that can be involved when a child is having surgery, being informed of a new diagnosis, or suffering the loss of a parent or sibling.


Laura has 2 wonderful children and 1 dog child. One of her bucket list items is to participate in Operation Smile and other medical mission trips for kids. In her free time, she loves being with her kids, exploring new places, and spending time with her nieces and nephews.

